Just recently Julia Fischer founded her own children's orchestra, the Kindersinfoniker, with young musicians aged 6 to 14. The first concerts will take place on 13 December in Gauting and on 19 December in Gilching near Munich. The programme includes Vivaldi's Concerto for Four Violins in B Minor, Bach's Concerto for Two Pianos in C Minor, Warlock's Capriol Suite, Reinecke's Christmas Sinfonietta - arranged by the conductor of the children's symphony Johannes X. Schachtner - and Haydn's Symphony for Children.
More information on the Kindersinfoniker at www.kindersinfoniker.de.
Few remaining tickets for the concert in the Gautinger Bosco Bürger- und Kulturhaus at info@bosco-gauting.de or Tel. 089/45238580.
Tickets for the concert in the Gilchinger Kunstforum at info@kunstforum-gilching.de or Tel. 08105/22210.