Opening concert of Musical Holidays at Lake Starnberg - Masterclasses with Julia Fischer and Daniel Müller-Schott


Traditionally Julia Fischer starts the new year in the south of Munich with the Musical Holidays at Lake Starnberg. This time the classes take place from January 2-6 2019 in Tutzing.
The opening concert at the Schlossberghalle in Starnberg will take place on Wednesday, 2 January, this year with a truly top-class line-up: Apart from Julia Fischer, violinists Kirill Trussov, Andreas Janke and Daniel Höhn, cellist Daniel Müller-Schott and Henri Bonamy at the piano will also perform. Tickets are available at Kulturamt der Stadt Starnberg, Tel. 08151 772-136 or -170, e-mail
Starting 3 January, pupils and students take part in classes for violin, viola, cello and chamber music. The teachers are Kirill Troussov and Andreas Janke (violin), Viera Fischer (piano) and Edgar Gredler (cello) with whom a special preparation for auditions is offered. Morevoer, participants are welcome to be part of an orchestra (conductor: Henri Bonamy). Julia Fischer and Daniel Müller-Schott are teaching master classes.
